E-Learning Translation Services

It is not always easy to get training material converted in effective eLearning modules. It requires both the knowledge of languages and IT skills to provide quality translation of content. This is why organizations often look at professional eLearning translation services to get content translated in a perfect way.

We take eLearning translation with high preventive measures and use all our experience from adapting domain based terminology to formation of sentences by keeping in mind the cultural differences between Source and Target languages. The translated content always matches with the requirements of course architecture, GUI and Image text limitations.

Interpretation India offers the best-in-class eLearning translation services to all sizes of organizations.

Our eLearning portfolio includes:

This certainly is not the end of our capabilities. We can offer eLearning translation services in text, graphic, or XML user interface format, audio/video or in voiceovers too. We are ready to take up any challenge in the field and are confident enough to offer best results no matter what it is. We have set a very strict and intense quality checking procedure in place to ensure accuracy in all our services.

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