We have a capacity to deliver 1000 Receivers and 5 Languages, More receivers can be added when requirement is more..
BOSCH Interpretation Equipment
We can support up-to 500 Delegates with IR Interpretation system.
Tour Guide System
Tour guides systems are ideal for taking visitors or tourists around galleries, Factory floor, or other noise-sensitive environments.
App Based Tour Guide System
No internet or 3G/4G data-usage by the Finanis App!
We recommend using smartphones from 2015 and upwards... Download, install and use your Finanis app to start the Tour.
App based Simultaneous Interpretation
FINANIS is an interpretation delivery app digitalizing simultaneous translation. We deliver cloud based, device-free interpretation to audience with an IOS and Android App.
App based Voting Pads
Use Finanis App to interact live with your audience. Create questions, ask your audience to vote and discuss the live chart results on Big screen.